
I watched Chisako Takashima's 12 Violinists with my family こんにちは♡広く浅く色んな事に興味がある48歳のママです♪今回のおでかけ先は、東京ガーデンシアター(豊洲?)で1...

Stay with your kids at Tokyo Bay Shiomi Prince Hotel! Price and room reviews こんにちは。趣味の一つがホテル滞在の私ことママです。私はホテルサブスクの「ハ...

When will the numbered tickets for the Oyakko Hiroba be distributed? Impressions of Parents and Children Who Didn't Ma...

Can children enjoy Alegria? can not see? What is the best age and ticket prices 昨日(2023年4月30日日曜)、我が家は初シルク・ド・ソレイユに行っ...

Participated in a parent-child cooking class on the 2nd floor of Gastena 東京の豊洲にあるガスの科学館は、通称:ガスてな〜にです。ものすごいインパクトがあるネ...

TeamLab Planets Toyosu gets wet, so be careful! Congestion / time required / tickets and children are fun こんにちは♡ 東京...

【江東区】お台場・都会の農園 バーベキュー広場で子連れバーベキューをしてきました
Koutou-ku, I have been barbecuing with children at a farm in Odaiba / city. 手ぶらでバーベキューってずっと流行ってますよね!いま、何でもてっとりばやいのが流...

Diversity "Doraemon Future Department Store" is amazing! What are the goods, play, and customization that make childre...

Odaiba's Gundam Unicorn Illumination is pink and beautiful ♡ How long? Explains the location and transformation time ...

TGG (Tokyo Global Gateway) GW event, treasure hunt! What is the nearest station and how much does it cost? 私は「子供に英語...

Impressions, access and tickets for the Eiko Ishioka exhibition (permanent exhibition will be free later) 石岡瑛子さんは日本...

Let's play with playground equipment and athletics in Kiba Park! Cafe is also recommended ♡ 都立木場公園は東京都現代美術館(MOT)の隣に...

Impressions of TGG English Village Christmas Event 20代後半に「英会話のジオス」という英会話スクールでマネージャーをしていたため、英会話にいまだ興味がある44歳です♡ I ...