
I saw the Hello Kitty exhibition at the Tokyo National Museum with elementary school students こんにちは。キティちゃん可愛いですよね。キ...

What to see when you go to the Nihonbashi Money Museum with your child? Travel time and souvenirs こんにちは。毎日、激アツの東京から...

Is it true that the Museum of History and Folklore is scary? Impressions of mother and child who thought it was relati...

When will the numbered tickets for the Oyakko Hiroba be distributed? Impressions of Parents and Children Who Didn't Ma...

Is there a restaurant at the river museum? Impressions of Waku Waku Land 埼玉県川の博物館、略して「かわはく」。ここ、めっちゃ子供が楽しいらしいです。私はか...

Stingrays in the Tropical Environmental Botanical Museum are cute and stay longer ♡ Days and time required for free ad...

Toshima-ku, Sunshine Aquarium 東京の水族館御三家と言えば、品川水族館、葛西臨海水族園、そして、このサンシャイン水族館です。(すみだ水族館はまだ歴が浅いからね!)コンセプトはココロ動かす、発見がある。ショ...

Tickets for jewelry exhibitions, time required, goods, and congestion! What is green onion? 上野の科学博物館で現在やっている特別展「宝石 ...

I can't enter the ticket for Zukan Museum Ginza with a rochike! Word-of-mouth / discount / how long? 私はローチケ(ローソンチケッ...

Mejiro Stamp Museum events, highlights, reviews and stamp sales 毎日、雨ですね。九州も関東も長引く雨で、何だか気持ちがへこたれそうです。普通であれば、子持ちのご家庭は...

Impressions, congestion, and tickets for the Fashion in Japan Exhibition (The National Art Center, Tokyo) ファッション・イン...

Congestion, time, access, tickets, discounts, and impressions of the TeNQ Space Museum 星が特に好きな訳ではないのですが、定期的にプラネタリウム...

What is the size of the Sumida Aquarium and how long does it take to go around? Goldfish and cafe are recommended ♡ ...