I watched the movie Doraemon Nobita's Earth Symphony at Ikspiari with elementary school students ♡ こんにちは!ついに今年も映画ドラ...
Mom goes alone on the Harry Potter Studio Tour! Honestly? lonely? こんにちは!としまえん跡地に出来た、ハリーポッター・スタジオツアーに一人で行ってきた私ことママです...
What are the screening times and benefits of the SPY&FAMILY movie? Impressions from going to see it with my 4th gr...
How crowded is the Koupen-chan exhibition? I got a numbered ticket and lined up. こんにちは!私の子供が小学3年生ぐらいの時、LINEのスタンプのこう...
What is your rating for Totto-chan in the movie window? From what age? Impressions from elementary school students and...
Shrek's musical is the best! Impressions from seeing it at half price at the Agency for Cultural Affairs こんにちは♡ミュージ...
I tried to make a child's free research craft at Mutech Studio ♡ 夏休み、、。夏休みというと、子供の自由研究と工作〜!ということで、母のわたしは子供の小学校が夏休みに...
YOASOBI lightning speed at home with elementary school students ♡ Live time is short? photography was ok こんにちは!これは子...
Impressions of going to Beauty and the Beast with a child in seat A なんか、今年のGWのテーマは「観劇」でした。4月30日にアレグリア見て、で、5月6日には劇団四季...
Can children enjoy Alegria? can not see? What is the best age and ticket prices 昨日(2023年4月30日日曜)、我が家は初シルク・ド・ソレイユに行っ...
Seiryuto's singing tour with children ♡ Ryuto-kun was wonderful at Ikebukuro Jiyu Gakuen こんにちは♡ 私は小学生の子どもがいるワーママですが...
Nobita and Utopia in the Sky Spoilers and Goods Shop! I saw it at TOHO Hibiya with elementary school students ドラえもん...
Participated in a parent-child cooking class on the 2nd floor of Gastena 東京の豊洲にあるガスの科学館は、通称:ガスてな〜にです。ものすごいインパクトがあるネ...