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【豊島区】いぬのじかん大塚店に子供と行ったよ!アクセス・料金・口コミ | 東京の小学生とおでかけ! Odekake Tokyo♡ Play with kids in TOKYO


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[Toshima Ward] I went to Inu no Jikan Otsuka with my child! Access/Prices/Reviews



The theme of today’s “Outing with Elementary School Students in Tokyo!” is Inu no Jikan Otsuka, where you can play with dogs.


Access to Inu no Jikan Otsuka from Toden



There are two ways to get to the Inu no Jikan Otsuka store: by walking from JR Otsuka Station, or by walking from Sugamo-Nitta Station on the Toden (currently Sakura Tram).


Get off at Sugamo Nitta Station and head for Tokyo Metropolitan Bunkyo High School

わたしたちは早稲田ゆきの都電(さくらトラム)に乗り、巣鴨新田駅で降りました。We took the Toden (Sakura Tram) bound for Waseda and got off at Sugamo-shinden Station.


If you are going to Inu no Jikan, get off at Toden Sugamo Shinden Station. If you don’t get lost, you can reach Inu no Jikan in 4 minutes on foot.


When you get off at Sugamo-shinden Station, you will see a green fence on your left and a road with gray apartments on your right.

早稲田ゆきの電車で降りた場合は、坂を下って左に進みます。If you get off the train bound for Waseda, go down the slope and turn left.

まっすぐ歩くと、普通の道が続きます。全然いぬの鳴き声とか聞こえず、静かです。(当たり前じゃ!)と、左手に都立文京高等学校が見えてきます。ちなみに、この高校の偏差値もスマホで見ましたが、63くらいで、おお! 結構高め!と思いました。

If you walk straight, the normal road will continue. I can’t hear the barking of the dog at all, it’s quiet. (Of course!), you will see Bunkyo High School on your left.

この道を歩いている時に、スマホのGoogle Mapでは右手に豊島区立北大塚二丁目公園が見えてくるのですが、民家があり突き抜けられない感じなんですよね。なので、冒頭にお見せしたGoogle Mapの通り、ぐるっと回り込むことにしました。

この高校が左手に見えますが、まだまっすぐ進みます。You will see this high school on your left, but keep going straight.


Then, when you see Bunkyo High School, you will see a nursery school called Nishisugamo Sakuraso Nursery School on your left. If you pass in front of the nursery school, you will hit Orito Street. When you see a coin laundry at the end, turn right.


Turn right when you see the Confectionery Insurance Health Association on your right.


If you turn right and walk, the road will look like this. This is Orito Street on the map. On the way, you will see Kitchen Zucca on your right.


So, I couldn’t take a picture, but after this you can see the dark gray building of “Tokyo Pastry Health Insurance Association”. Then turn right there.


Turn right at a private house with stairs and turn left at the end to Kita Otsuka Nichome Park.

この階段のある建物で右折します。Turn right at this building with stairs.


When you enter the path on the left of the dark gray building of “Tokyo Pastry Health Insurance Association”, you can see a building with stairs and a parking lot like this. Turn right here, and turn left again at the end of the road to reach Kita Otsuka Nichome Park.

これは、いぬのじかん大塚店の裏手です。This is the back of Inu no Jikan Otsuka.


Go to the swing in front of Kita Otsuka Nichome Park and go to the entrance


I was at a loss for about 30 seconds behind the Inu no Jikan Otsuka branch. Then, I heard a voice from inside asking, “Would you like to make a reservation at 13:00?” ‘ he gave me instructions.

図にすると、こんな感じっす。If you draw it, it looks like this.


Inu no Jikan Otsuka was attractive for its cozy atmosphere.


I was a little lost, but I arrived safely at Inu no Jikan Otsuka! A friendly staff member greeted me with a hello. Take off your shoes at the entrance on the first floor, disinfect your hands, and go up to the second floor.


他にも犬カフェには行きましたが、今までで一番アットホームなお店だと思いました。犬と人間の距離が近い、、! お客さんは既に2組いらっしゃり、カップルです。カップルで犬好きなら、楽しいデートになりそうです♡

いぬのじかん大塚店は、良いお店です。まず、ワンちゃんが多くて人懐こい♡ 全然寄ってきてくれない、、ということは無いと思います。わたし、あまり動物に好かれませんが、ここではたっくさん撫で撫でできました。

Inu no Jikan Otsuka is a good shop. First of all, there are many dogs and they are friendly♡ I don’t think it’s possible that they won’t stop by at all.


【渋谷区】 DOG HEART from アクアマリンの予約・口コミ・料金とは?
What are DOG HEART from Aquamarine reservations, reviews, and prices? 狭いマンションでは犬は飼えません。犬は好きだけど、どうしても事情がある人はたくさんいます...

It seems that children are good from about the 5th grade of elementary school. My child is 8 years old, so if he doesn’t make a lot of noise, I think that’s fine. Basically, you are sharing a table with other customers.


The cost for a parent and child to stay for one hour was 2,700 yen.

さて、いぬのじかん大塚店に2名で1時間滞在した料金は、えさ代を含めて2700円でした。ひとりに換算すると1350円。他の犬カフェに比べると、割とリーズナブルだな〜と思います。(^o^) 支払いはPayPayで払えましたよ。

Well, the cost for two people to stay for one hour at Inu no Jikan Otsuka store was 2,700 yen including food. Converting to 1,350 yen per person.

Thank you very much for taking a look at this time! It’s getting colder in Tokyo too.

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