
アート Art
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The Hakone Open Air Museum is not in Tokyo, but it is one of the tourist spots for children in Hakone, which is easily accessible from Tokyo. I used to go to kindergarten a long time ago, but now I’m 44 years old, so I have little memory. My child said, “Mom, I want to go to an athletic with a lot of nets,” so when I searched hard, I found that the Hakone Open Air Museum had a really fun playset for children.


I did not know. I have to go this. So, the theme of this “Going out with elementary school students in Tokyo!” Is “The Hakone Open Air Athletic” ♡


The Hakone Open Air Museum Access

The closest station to the Hakone Open Air Museum is the Hakone Tozan Railway “Chokokunomori” station. It’s super close in 3 minutes on foot!


The Hakone Open Air Forest is close to the station. After exiting Sculpture Forest Station, exit the ticket gate and walk along the road to the left. (Eh ~ ♡ I haven’t been in Hakone for a long time, so I’m crazy ♡) There was no moment when I was at a loss, and I immediately arrived at the entrance of the sculpture forest with the feeling “Oh, there was …” I don’t think there is!



The Hakone Open Air Museum / Admission fee> * There is basically no additional charge. Athletics are also included in the rates below.

Adults: 1600 yen
College and high school students: 1200 yen
Junior high school and elementary school students: 800 yen
たかが100円。されど100円。Only 100 yen. But 100 yen.

And if you have your own luggage while traveling, be sure to use a coin locker! It is a return ceremony for 100 yen. Even a large locker costs 100 yen. It is casually on the left side of the ticket office, so please look for it.

I put it in number 79!


What is the athletic “Woods of Net” in the sculpture forest?

It looks amazing …! This is the Woods of Net. The feeling of Ghibli is amazing ♡


Nishiarai’s Galaxcity is like this.


There are other places where children can play besides the Woods of Net.

As expected, Hakone! Even though it is a museum, you can also have a light outdoor experience.


It looks colorful on the lawn.

I think there are several ways to get to the Woods of Net, but we’re pokes from the circular square. I passed through a place where I could play, such as the water falling from above and the colorful sofas on the lawn, and I crossed the hanging bridge to access it. There is a lot of greenery, it is large, there are plenty of playsets for children, and the entrance fee is not so high. I thought that the Hakone Open Air Museum is suitable for families with children. (→ I think everyone in the world already knows, but!)


The Woods of Net is in front of the Picasso Pavilion

It’s an amazing museum that feels like it’s in the forest! This is a map distributed for children.


A group of sculptures passed by in the second grade of elementary school. I like it.

As soon as my 7-year-old Hatchan arrived at the Hakone Open Air Museum, she hurriedly asked, “Mom! Where is that athletic place? Where?” And tried to pass other historical works of art such as Van Gogh’s sculptures; No, wait a minute. This is a museum, right? Well, first of all.


A leisurely 10-minute walk from the entrance will bring you to the Woods of Net!

It’s been a while since I came to the Hakone Open Air Museum (it’s almost like the first time), but the outdoor art in the mountains still feels liberating! I went to the Earth Art Festival (https://www.echigo-tsumari.jp/) in Tokamachi City, Niigata Prefecture once, and it was a lot of fun. For this kind of outdoor art appreciation, I think it’s relatively easy to go even with a corona whirlpool. (It may be necessary to take a train or something to move, but …)


The rope on the net is very sturdy and seems to hurt my hands

It was a very well made work. There is no feeling of deterioration.


Wednesday, August 25, 2021. It was the last weekday of the summer vacation, but there were 6 to 7 groups of energetic children and their parents in the Woods of Net. Some families come with siblings, while others like us come as a parent-child pair. The couple takes a picture and leaves the place. At first, my Hatchan was squirming. When I found out that I couldn’t get inside, I said “Eh!” And was in a bad mood for a moment.


It looks great on Instagram! This work.

But gradually, I went into the woods of net alone to explore, and I was caught by a ball hanging from the ceiling and played. I played here for almost 2 hours! I couldn’t reach the ball easily, so I supported my back with my hips, but it fell off as soon as I said, “My hands hurt.” (But it looks fun ♡) If this is next year, I think it will be stronger and stronger.


Is there a footbath in the sculpture forest? !! There is also a towel vending machine that you can buy for 100 yen ♡


There is also a table and chairs so you can take a break here.

By the way, my child, who had a good time in the woods of net for two hours, insisted, “I’m thirsty!” Because I drank all the tea I brought. Then, I left the Woods of Net and found a vending machine in the building in front of me, so I said, “Buy water here!”, But the water and barley tea were sold out! Other customers also said, “I wish I could replenish a little.” Is there a weekday?


So I decided to walk to the cafe.


The footbath was on the right side of the cafe at the back of the Picasso Pavilion

We who want to go to the footbath and pass by Picasso.



The cafe is insanely nice ♡

I found such a chapel on the way! The couple rate was also high.

When I come to the Picasso Pavilion, I feel like I’ve walked quite a bit. However, the good thing about The Hakone Open Air Museum is that it is not that wide compared to Disneyland ♡ The aisle is wide, so even strollers with babies can easily come. So, Kanjin’s footbath is free ♡

カフェの建物は1階がカフェ&お土産屋さんで、2階が丸太広場「キトキ」になっておりました。カフェの正式名称は「The Hakone Open-Air Museum Café」(営業時間 9:00〜17:00※ラストオーダー16:30※です。緑の中のカフェって初めて来たかもです。一日中、本を読んで過ごしたいな~。(→老後の楽しみだね、、)

あ~!足が疲れたと、おばちゃんらしく愚痴をたれる私、、。Ah! When my legs get tired, I complain like an middle aged women.


かわいいお皿♡Cute plate ♡

A lot of wonderful goods are sold in the sculpture forest. When I didn’t have children, I just wanted what I wanted, but now that’s not the case. It’s bad for my husband, and I feel like buying what Hatchan wants first and buying what I want a little if I have extra money. (But sometimes I buy it!)

You can bring your own food and drink at Kitoki on the 2nd floor. You can play toddlers and babies.


If you come to The Hakone Open Air Museum, be sure to take a footbath ♡

あ!足湯してる人が見えるね!a! You can see people taking a footbath!


は~、このままここがホテルだったらいいのにね、、!I wish this was a hotel as it is …!

If you cut through the cafe, you will find a footbath corner in front of you. There is a vending machine in front of you, and you can buy several kinds of color towels (the pattern may be the same) for 100 yen. Even if you don’t have a handkerchief, you can immediately put it in the footbath!
