Chiyoda-ku, Koukyo Gaien
It’s hard to exercise in winter, so I want to walk a lot~! Thinking about it, I looked at the public relations magazine of the ward and participated in a “walking around the Imperial Palace” with my child. The theme for this outing is the Imperial Palace in Chiyoda Ward.
What kind of meeting is walking meeting? ?

Scenery of morning gathering

A great person from Kita Ward will come and give a speech
In the Kita Ward news of love reading, “Sakura walk” (a group walking along the cherry blossom trees) and “Alkita” (a group walking 10 selections in Kita Ward landscape) ) Etc. are planned.
Meanwhile, this project (January 19, 2020) gathers in early time in the morning in front of the multi-purpose concert hall called Kita Pia in Kita-ku, and moves by train. Then, walk from the Imperial Palace to the goal near Iidabashi (?). Planning and proceedings were done by the walking party. There are quite a lot of participants, so it’s a hassle to check the number of people and it is difficult to depart. No, I think that it is hard for those who manage such things. Thank you.
Move to Tokyo station by train! There are many people who participate alone

Get to the top and walk

Hacchi-chan ’s breakfast is candy for substitute because it’s too early in the morning. I’m sorry,
When I paid the participation fee for one adult (about 300 yen) to the leader, I was given a round trip JR ticket with Hokaron. It’s been a while since I got a ticket♡ Shin-Se-Se-N♡ And, if something happens, I have insurance. It’s a generous event, isn’t it?
Most of the participants are in their 60s and 70s. I’m afraid Hatchan is completely away, anyway; but I hate reading the air of my attributes and acting. Since I have a child in my 40s, when I try to do something like having a child in my 40s, Musi runs and actively does what I like (⇒ I’m just B-type temperament!!)
Oh, it’s easy to be partitioned! !! Thank you to the uncle of the walking party! !!

It’s like heaven if it’s partitioned while raising a child

Someday I want to go alone! !!
The outer garden of the Imperial Palace is very large and rich in nature.


There are a lot of ducks in the Imperial Palace!
The guide explained the history of the Imperial Palace

I got a guide near Kikyomon

The Imperial Palace is a huge park with a lot of wildlife, historic buildings and statues. There are many plants, so you can enjoy the autumn colors and the cherry blossoms in spring. And although I didn’t know, there was a museum inside, and I was able to enter inside on this day. It was decorated with a treasure-like item, and Hatchan touched the glass case, but the guards warned him.

Yes! I’ll move!
At the Gaien Gaien, you can enjoy the gates such as Sakurada Gate.

We had you explain Sakashitamon
I don’t know much about Japanese history, but I know the strange thing about Sakuradamon.
For those who like history or those who are familiar with history, just walking around the Imperial Palace and thinking “Oh, Naosuke Ii was attacked around here!”
Thank you to everyone at the walking party! !! I couldn’t walk so much with two parents!

You walked a lot!
Hatchan usually walks a little and says “Mama~! Hug!”, so I didn’t walk as much as I said “You’re a hug devil.”
However, when I was five, I started walking a lot. I hugged myself a lot, but after all I started walking, so I’m glad I could hold a lot. Next time I want to go to the Palace Cycle of the Imperial Palace. I pray for a resurrection!
店名 Shop Name | 皇居外苑 Imperial Palace |
種類 Kind | 公園 Park |
公式URL Web Site | https://fng.or.jp/koukyo/ |
電話番号 Phone Number | 03-3231-5509 |
住所 Address | 東京都千代田区皇居外苑1-1 |
幼児喜び度(最高max★★★) The degree of infant’s pleasant | ★ ベビーカーありで日向ぼっこ、いいですね♪ It’s nice to have a baby carriage with a stroller♪ |
小学生低学年喜び度(最高max★★★) The degree of primary school child’s pleasant | ★ 遊び道具を持っていけば楽しいかも? Would it be fun to bring a play tool? |
ママのお財布危険度 (最高max★★★) The degree of dangerous of Mom’s wallet | ★ しつこいけど、無料です! It’s persistent, but it’s free! |
