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【江東区】お台場のガンダムユニコーンライトアップがピンクでキレイ♡いつまで?場所と変形時間も解説 | 東京の小学生とおでかけ! Odekake Tokyo♡ Play with kids in TOKYO


23区東部 23 ward eastren
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[Koto-ku] Odaiba’s Gundam Unicorn Illumination is pink and beautiful ♡ How long? Explains the location and transformation time

こんばんは♡ お台場のガンダムって2009年に初代が誕生したんですって。東京に住みながら、12年間で1回もまじかで見たことなかったんですよ、私。しかし、本日こどもをTGG(東京英語村)のクリスマスイベントに行きまして、ガンダムに限りなく近い場所まで来たため、(せっかくだし、ガンダム見てから帰る?)と頭の中で思いついてしまったんです。

Good evening ♡ The first Gundam in Odaiba was born in 2009. While living in Tokyo, I had never seen it in person for 12 years. However, today I went to a Christmas event at TGG (Tokyo English Village) and came to a place as close as possible to Gundam, so I came up with the idea (I’m sorry, do you want to go home after seeing Gundam?).


That’s why today’s theme of “Going out with elementary school students in Tokyo!” Is the illumination of the full-size Gundam in Odaiba.


The full-size Gundam in Odaiba is now lit up in pink only in winter ♪

実物大ガンダムから割と近い場所にある、東京英語村(TGG)。Tokyo English Village (TGG) is located relatively close to the full-scale Gundam.


去年のTGGのクリスマスはこんな感じでした。Last year’s TGG Christmas was like this.

I and my elementary school daughter (7 years old) were about to return from this Christmas event in Tokyo English Village (TGG) around 5 pm on Sunday, December 19, 2021.


You can use the taxi app “DiDi Special” in Odaiba ♡

TGGで私がタクシーアプリで検索した実際の画面です。This is the actual screen I searched for in the taxi app on TGG.


I usually love to search the internet for great deals and go out cheaply (⇒ Good old age, sequel …!), But here is the first free campaign that I am doing with the taxi app “DiDi”. I noticed that it can be used in Odaiba.

1200円のタクシー代が無料になった。ホント、いまは情報を知ってるか知らないかで生活費が変わるよね、、。The taxi fare of 1200 yen is now free. Really, living expenses change depending on whether you know the information or not.


(That’s right. I came to the Telecom Center with Yurikamome, so I wonder if I should move from TGG to Gundam using the DiDI coupon and see Gundam before returning ♡) I was a 45-year-old elderly childbirth haha ♪






When talking about such a story as a driver, the pleasant DiDi special taxi driver left, saying, “There must be a Gundam behind this! Please do your best to take a picture ★”.


The location of the full-scale Gundam is in front of diversity, Tokyo Tele

もうやだ~!と、一瞬パニックぎみになったわが娘。すまん;No more! And my daughter who panicked for a moment. sorry;


自由の炎というオブジェらしいです。It seems to be an object called the Flame o

Although we got off the taxi, we are mothers and daughters who are in a dark state (where is this?) Because it is winter. The child’s Hatchan said, “I should have come here!”, She was a little dissatisfied because she has a safe and cautious personality. (⇒ I’m sorry for this haha …;) As the taxi driver told me, I went up the stairs a short walk away. Then, a stick-like object that looked like Gundam but didn’t look like it stood.


As I walked with a little laugh, “Eh, isn’t this Gundam?”, I saw diversity on my left and a full-scale Gundam illuminated by pink lights in the back ♡

やっと、ありましたああああ!Finally, there was ah ah!


Although it is the location of a full-scale Gundam, the nearest station is the Rinkai Line “Tokyo Teleport Station”, which is a 5-minute walk. When you get off the station, take the escalator to your right and go up. When you get off, go straight, and after passing the convenience store on your right, there is an overpass, so you will head for diversity.


It’s on the left side of the front of DiverCity Tokyo, so you can find it by going to DiverCity anyway. The Gundam shop is located on the stairs to the right of the front entrance to Diversity.

お台場・ガンダムベースです。It is OdaiBased in Gundam.
ウルトラマンフェィスティバルに行った感想もよろしければどうぞ!If you like the impression of going to Ultraman Festival, please!


ガンダムを見つけた母と娘はお台場をダッシュしました; 付近には、カップルや子連れの方などまあまあの人がいて、ガンダムの記念撮影をしていました。しかし、そこに何ともかわいいシベリアンハスキー(サンタさんの恰好♡)がいて、現場にいた多くの人はガンダムよりもハスキー犬の姿にくぎ付けになっていました;


I thought it was something to shoot, so when I asked the owner, he said, “No, it’s not. It’s the return of the dog show.” Wanchan had a bag on his back to hold gifts like Santa, and the owner took out a good stick from the bag and handed it out to his children. What a wonderful adult! I’m such an adult.



How long will the Gundam be lit up? Schedule and time


うーん、かっこいい!Well, it’s cool!


【昼の演出】「実物大ユニコーンガンダム立像 変身」






19:30 跳べ!ガンダム2017

20:00 「機動戦士ガンダムUC SPECIAL MOVIE」 Ver.2.0
               “Cage” SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Tielle

21:00 機動戦士ガンダムUC ペルフェクティビリティ


子供にお台場は最高♡ お台場は遊び場の宝庫

Odaiba is the best for children ♡ Odaiba is a treasure trove of playgrounds

ダイバーシティ東京の入口にあったガンダムのポップ。うける♪Gundam pop at the entrance of DiverCity Tokyo. Receive ♪


夜ご飯に銀だこ♡ たこ焼き好きな親子です。Gindaco for dinner ♡ Parents and children who like takoyaki.

My mother, myself, was excited about Gundam, but my elementary school daughter didn’t write about TGG or Gundam in her homework diary. She said in her diary, “Today I saw a lot of Siberian Husky in Odaiba. I was cute and happy.” However, I couldn’t see that large amount of Siberian Husky without seeing Gundam, so let’s say goodbye.


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