[Sakuragicho] Air cabin (ropeway) tickets, discounts, timetables, and congestion
How to buy air cabin tickets, fares, discounts, etc.

横浜から桜木町はJR京浜東北または根岸線でたった一駅です。桜木町は横浜赤レンガ倉庫やカップヌードルミュージアムも徒歩圏内で、遊べる場所がたくさんある駅ですよね♡ エアキャビンができるまでは、桜木町で横浜ワールドポーターズとか栄えている場所に行くためには、下車して横浜インターコンチの半円型のホテルを見ながら運河の上の橋を渡る、という感じで約20年ほど生きてまいりました。
From Yokohama to Sakuragicho is only one station on the JR Keihin Tohoku or Negishi Line. Sakuragicho is within walking distance of the Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse and Cup Noodles Museum, and there are many places to play ♡ Until the Air Cabin is built, get off to go to the prosperous places such as Yokohama World Porters in Sakuragicho. I have lived for about 20 years with the feeling of crossing the bridge above the canal while looking at the semi-circular hotel in Yokohama InterContinental.
However, from April 2021, instead of just walking on the bridge above the canal, the option of “riding the Yokohama Air Cabin” has been added! The departure station is called “Sakuragicho Station” and the arrival station is called “Canal Park Station”.
Tickets are on sale only at ticket machines or at the counter ♡



Regarding how to buy tickets for Yokohama Air Cabin, you can’t make online reservations, so basically you go to the site and buy at the ticket vending machine or at the counter with staff. There are one-way tickets and round-trip tickets, and for adults over junior high school students, one-way ticket is 1,000 yen, and round-trip ticket is 1,800 yen. Children from 3 years old to elementary school students are 500 yen one way and 900 yen for round trip tickets. Obviously, round trips are cheaper. But it’s quite expensive to make a round trip!
Air cabin discounts
In addition, a set ticket with the Ferris wheel “Cosmo Clock” costs 1,500 yen for adults (normally 1,900 yen), 2,300 yen for round trips (usually 2,700 yen), and children 1,200 yen for one way (normally 1,400 yen). It costs 1,500 yen (usually 1,800 yen) for a round trip. Should I ride the Cosmo Clock originally? For those who think, the set ticket is advantageous ♪

After that, a group discount (1 person for 20 or more people) and a disability certificate will be presented to the person and the caregiver. There are no other definitive discounts so far, and the best discount is “walking”; (⇒ it’s not a discount, but …) If you use the discount, you can’t buy it at the ticket machine, so the staff You will buy it at the counter where you are.
Thousand yen in 5 minutes! But it may be good for children who do not want to walk ♡

Air cabin air travel is fast. It’s Achuuma. (⇒ Rephrased) It’s sequel, but honestly, it costs 1,000 yen in 5 minutes. I was in trouble with money and thought that I wouldn’t ride alone. However, if you are traveling with children, it is an ant at all! When a child gets tired, the air in the family gets worse. I have a lot of luggage with my children. The stroller can be placed on the air cabin as it is. Some people say “expensive” or “not needed”, but foreign tourists will get on when they come back, children will get on, and couples will get on.

Air cabin timetable


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